SILVER SPRING, MD, May 23, 2022, – CCI Health Services is proud to announce the appointment of Infectious Disease Program Manager Alexandrea McIntosh-Ogunfolu to the Academy Community Advisory Group with the American Academy of HIV Medicine.
The Academy Community Advisory Group is a diverse collective dedicated to ensuring the educational services and programs developed by the Academy serve health care professionals effectively and efficiently while driving the creation of timely innovative strategies to end HIV.
The group will provide strategic guidance on the development of Academy webinars, workshops, and web-based programs, including updates to the Fundamentals of HIV Medicine content to ensure providers have the tools to achieve excellence in HIV care and prevention.
The primary objectives of the group are to provide strategic guidance on the development of Academy educational programs, recommendations for updates to the content of the Fundamentals of HIV Medicine, insights into the needs of a range of Academy program stakeholders; and give advice on existing and future market opportunities, such as those within the various organizations and highlighted/proposed in legislative or policy updates.
“HIV has severely impacted our region and the world as a whole. Anything I can do to educate people about HIV will go a long way in ending the epidemic,” said Ogunfolu. “I just want to do my part,”
The group comprises 12 members from different backgrounds to ensure full representation.
Meetings occur quarterly via Zoom, and member terms last two years.