Services Refugee Health

Refugee Health

CCI works with the Maryland Department of Health to provide health assessments to newly arrived refugees, asylees, those with special immigrant visas (SIVs), victims of trafficking, and humanitarian parolees resettling in Montgomery and Prince George’s counties.

About Refugee Health Services at CCI

CCI commits to providing you with the care that makes you feel comfortable and in your language of choice. You don’t have to speak English to receive services. At CCI, we take the time to get to know you, your experiences, and your journey, so we can provide the best possible care. We will address your health needs and connect you to community resources to support you as you adjust to life in your new community.

We schedule refugee health visits at our Greenway and Silver Spring locations.  Two (2) appointments are scheduled for refugee health visits. The first is to determine your needs and a follow-up visit one week later.

What information will I need to bring?

Immigration Verification: Status and Documentation Requirements for the ORR Refugee Resettlement Program. 

Maryland Residency Status:

Housing Lease/Landlord Certification Form 

Maryland Drivers License/ID Card 

Maryland Medicaid/MCO verification card

Pay Stub 

School Enrollment Verification 

Communication from Maryland State Agency

Medicaid and MCO/Insurance Card 

Need help enrolling in Medicaid? As a refugee health patient at CCI, you can schedule an appointment with one of our health care navigators to apply for coverage.  

Health Coverage AcceptedWe accept Medicaid, Medicare, private insurance and offer a discount for those with no coverage. Click here to view our complete list of accepted health insurance plans.

What to expect from your visit
First Visit

During the first visit, a member of your care team will ask for a blood sample to evaluate your overall health. Your care team will also ask questions about your medical history and check in with you about living in a different country. CCI is here for you and can refer you to other health services you may need, such as prenatal and dental care. 

Second Visit

During the second visit, a CCI provider will do a simple physical exam, review your lab results and screenings, provide vaccinations and medications as needed, and plan your follow up care.  

Your Future with CCI Health Services

Once your health visits are completed, CCI becomes your one-stop destination for accessible, quality care. Each of our care areas help meet the unique needs of our community. We provide:  

Primary Care

Latent Tuberculosis Infection Care

Hepatitis Care

Dental Care 

Behavioral Health  

Sexual and Reproductive Health 

HIV/AIDS Infectious Disease Care 

Women, Infants, and Children (WIC) 

Refugee child standing in line at center.
Who are refugees and asylees?

The Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) under the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) includes the following  list of groups as being eligible for refugee resettlement program benefits and services along with other federal benefits and services: 

Refugees or individuals paroled as refugees include: 

Asylees or individuals paroled as asylees 

Cuban and Haitian Entrants, including those with parole or in removal proceedings 

Certain Amerasians 

Lawful Permanent Residents (with previous refugee status) 

Unaccompanied Refugee Minors 

Victims of Human Trafficking 

Iraqi and Afghan Special Immigrant (SI) Visa Holders 

Afghan SI/SQ or Humanitarian Parolees (AHPs) paroled before September 30, 2023, or family members (spouses, children, parents/caregivers) 

Ukrainian Humanitarian Parolees (UHPs) paroled before September 30, 2023, or family members (spouses, children, parents/caregivers) 


Email our RHA Team

Contact us to learn more about our refugee health program.

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