Get Tested on #WorldAIDSDay

This year marks the 35th commemoration of this important day.

December 1, 2023
8:00 AM - 4:30 PM

This year’s theme for World AIDS Day is “World AIDS Day 35: Remember and Commit.” This annual event serves as a reminder of the global struggle to end HIV-related stigma and an opportunity to honor those we have lost.

The first World AIDS Day took place in 1988, providing a platform to raise awareness about HIV and AIDS and honor the lives affected by the epidemic. This year marks the 35th commemoration of this important day. Over the past 35 years, there has been significant progress in addressing HIV and AIDS thanks to advancements in medical research, increased access to treatment and prevention, and a broader understanding of the virus.

On this #WorldAIDSDay, CCI Health Services is encouraging all patients age 15 or older to make HIV testing part of their routine care.

On December 1, CCI patients can receive a free gift with an HIV test while supplies last.

Sponsored by Gilead Sciences, Inc. and The Potomac Valley Alumnae Chapter of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc.



Where to Get Tested?

Low to no-cost HIV testing is provided at all CCI medical health centers.
To schedule an appointment, call (866) 877-7258

National Quality Leader in HIV Prevention and Care

In 2023, the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) recognized CCI as a National Quality Leader (NQL) in HIV Prevention and Care, the only health center in Maryland to receive the designation.